In a similar way, our past sins and experiences can trouble us, maybe even to the point of despair. Early in recovery, we may have perceived difficulties in our lives that seemed to have no solution. Or we may have looked for an easy way out of our troubles to no avail. However, through faith, prayer, and trust in the Lord we started—and continued on—the path of recovery. God’s plan for our recovery may not have taken us on the path we expected—or wanted—but His plan works as long as we continue to trust in Him and surrender to His will.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses the example of marriage in heaven and on earth to remind us to be focused on the things of God first and foremost. This world is only temporary. Our faith and good works are what matter for the next life. Through prayer, God helps us stay on that path to new life. He is the God of the living, and as The Serenity Prayer reminds us, He wants us to be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him in the next.
Reflection Questions
- What difficulties did you encounter when you first started recovery and how did God offer you a solution? What difficulties do you encounter today and what solution might God be offering you?
- What spiritual or recovery tools can you recommit to using today to remain on the path of new life?
Daily Mass Readings
First Reading: Tobit 3:1-11a, 16-17a
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 25:2-3, 4-5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8-9
Gospel: Mark 12:18-27
Reflection by Jeff R.