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Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent
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Those of us in recovery choose to turn away from the lie that we are lost and alone. Instead, we lift our tear-stained faces to heaven searching for God in the difficult and painful times of life. As we move forward in faith, engaging in the steps, the sacraments, and regular prayer, we find a growing consciousness of Christ’s presence in our every moment. And it’s the light of His presence that drives away want and fear, even death.  

Our stories of recovery are stories of salvation. The insanity of addiction and sin is that we are blind to the beautiful life that Jesus is offering in Psalm 23. If we turn back to those still in the dark valley and share our experience, strength, and hope as we’re called to do in the twelfth step, we help light the way for others with love. We give them our testimony of hope by sharing with them, “We have been where you are, alone and afraid. But there is a way out of fear. A new life of hope, and you are never alone. Jesus, the good shepherd, is here with you, and with us all. We are safe and at peace in His arms. And if we follow Him, He will always lead us home.”


Reflection Questions

  • In today’s first reading, Daniel’s heart was stirred by the Holy Spirit to speak the truth. How has speaking the truth been difficult for you? What are the consequences of listening to fear as opposed to the Holy Spirit?
  • What is your experience of the light of Jesus’ presence during the difficult times of your life?


Daily Mass Readings

First Reading: Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6
Gospel: John 8:1-11

Reflection by Ann A.

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