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Sign Up Forums Getting Started in Recovery Which “Big Book” is recommended?

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  • #45991
    Christopher Biggio

    I’m new & was wondering if there is a recommended version of the “Big Book” along with any other recommended resources. Thanks for your time & help.

    God bless,

    Christopher B


    The book titled Alcoholics Anonymous is in the 4th edition. It has affectionately been called “The Big Book” since early in its publication history in 1939. I never heard any other book referred to as a “big book” without clarifying the fellowship until I came into Catholic in Recovery. Now I hear people banty the term around and then acknowledge they are talking about the Big Red Book or The Big White Book. Sometimes people try to clarify that the AA text is the Big Blue Book. The foundation of the 12 steps is explained very well in the original and also in the AA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Both of these volumes emphasize that the steps are applicable to multiple behaviors and relationships. Al-Anon is a program for family (Children, parents, spouses, siblings, cousins etc) and friends of alcoholics and can likewise be applied to relationships with people who have various addictions, compulsions and unhealthy attachments. When Scott Weeman started the Catholic in Recovery fellowship and wrote the book, Twelve Steps and the Sacraments, we have the privilege of being a part of a developing program where we can integrate the steps with a deeper understanding and growth in our faith. Now we have the workbook to help us apply the steps to our lives and recovery. I urge you to go to lots of zoom meetings and if possible, in-person ones. Get comfortable around these people, get contact information and reach out to people. Keep asking God’s guidance and you will get answers. (Sometimes those answers come quickly and sometimes slowly – but keep coming back!)

    A saying I heard early in program just popped in my head. Go to 90 meetings in 90 days and if you do not think this is for you, we will gladly refund your misery.

    Peace of Christ be with you;

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