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Sign Up Forums Twelve Steps Step 3

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    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Paul.

    Did you have a difficult time completing step three? If so, what was so complex or challenging in giving your will up to God?


    Step 3 is BY FAR the hardest step I work (yes, present tense). I thought step 2 was difficult, but step 3 almost killed me .. kinda seriously. I came too close to quitting in despair, because I knew I wasn’t giving up my will. I wasn’t sure I could. If I had quit working this program back then, I have no idea where I would be today. Thanks be to God, I had a VERY patient and truly loving sponsor who encouraged me and stayed with me until I was ready to make a decision to turn my life and will over to the care of God. There are no deadlines in working the 12 steps 🙂 I have heard people say, just do the best you can and move on, but I couldn’t do that. Step 1 brought me so much Peace and eventually Step 2 did also, so I didn’t want to just move on until I was at Peace with Step 3. I now know what it feels like to turn my will over to the care of God and even though I take it back from time to time, I know all I have to do is make a decision and follow through and receive the true Peace of letting God be God, and I will just be me 🙂

    Jenny Teeters

    What a beautiful share Susy! I find the Surrender Novena to be a great gift and aligned to Step 3.

    Linda Picchioni

    Step 3 for me is ongoing. Everyday I need to pray in the morning that I let Jesus’ Kingship be a reality in my life. Frequently, I need reminders throughout the day. Reading, pausing, listening, meetings, reach out when I’m struggling. This is probably the step where I purposely allow this new way of life to
    form my day and recovery.


    Kathy G

    ISA STEP THREE: “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a Higher Power of our own understanding.”

    I had tried for several years prior to the discovery of infidelity/ sex addiction to find a couple’s therapist whom I felt comfortable and safe with. My husband’s abusive, controlling and unpredictable behavior had been declining for quite some time. I had searched out my part over and over again, never succeeding in being able to convince him that things at home were “normal” for homeschooling and it was normal for me to be exhausted at this stage in life. He disagreed and blamed me for the decline in our relationship, always complaining that I was too tired to be available for him emotionally, physically and sexually. It was all my fault. Each therapist that I researched, and we visited, ended up siding with my husband in agreement that I was the problem: I had anxiety and needed medication, or I should be able to wind down from the day with him, giving him a back scratch and listening to him dump all of his stress from the day on me without anything in return. He abdicated the child-rearing, discipline, education finances, household responsibilities to me while he traveled out of town on business. Then did nothing to help when he came home but expected me to be at his beck and call. He had sucked me dry of everything and was still complaining that I couldn’t give him enough. I was at my wit’s end when the discovery of infidelity happened. I was utterly aghast! Blindsided, disbelief, rage, immense pain, and anguish…I just couldn’t bear it!

    You see, in my rigid religious family growing up, there was no such thing as a loving Higher Power. There were rules and rituals to follow, and if we screwed up, we were in trouble. We had a belief in God (confusing that with faith) but had to do everything else on our own (control the outcome) according to our beliefs in what WE thought our God would approve of. Control instead of faith.

    The pain and trauma caused by the discovery of sexual betrayal caused my safety-seeking behavior to consist of tracking my husband, breaking into and reading texts and emails, checking bank accounts, and stealing my husband’s phone when he passed out from drunkenness to download and read deleted messages. I spent countless hours poring over his information while at the same time, neglecting myself and my children, whom I was supposed to be homeschooling. I got physically sicker and sicker. My default childhood God had kicked in and I found myself trying desperately to get every detail of his acting out on my own! If I could get the info, I could figure out was had gone wrong, and what my part in it was so that I could fix it. Then I would be able to fix the relationship and the mess I had found myself in. I was in full-blown control mode. The more I found, the worse I felt. Eventually, my husband bottomed out for the first time and ended up in treatment for alcohol. Not having come up with any solutions in my quest to control the outcome, I finally begged my Higher Power for help. I told Him I would surrender to whatever He placed in my path because all my past attempts were futile and only enraged my husband. I called his therapist at the treatment facility and requested a referral for a couples’ counselor specializing in addiction. When I was given a CSAT therapist (Certified Sex Addiction Therapist), I was confused. I knew nothing about sex addiction! When she referred me to her “Partners of Sex Addicts group therapy,” I was at a loss for words, but I followed the recommendation because I had surrendered to my Higher Power. Nothing I had tried worked…I had nothing left to lose.

    I joined ISA and the world of recovery from betrayal trauma opened up to me…a whole world I had known nothing about and couldn’t have found on my own at that time. My Higher Power had stepped in when I surrendered in faith to something I could not see! I was given a way out, hope for a better life, and many compassionate wise sisters to walk this journey with! For that, I am truly grateful!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Kathy G.
    Kathy G

    Step 3 Faith:
    Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely; In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

    Step 3 Surrender:
    I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. – Romans 12:1

    Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your kind spirit guide me on ground that is level. Psalm 143:10

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