Why donate?
The mission of Catholic in Recovery is to offer hope to the hopeless by equipping individuals, families, and communities with the resources necessary to find healing. Your donation helps support these efforts by providing hope to those in darkness and strengthening the journey of those who have turned to the Light.
Did you know that roughly one in every 10 Americans over the age of 12 are addicted to alcohol and/or drugs? Of those with substance abuse addictions, only 11 percent receive treatment. These statistics only relate to substance abuse and don’t begin to scratch the surface on all of the other addictions that plague our society and destroy lives every day.
Your gift will be used to bring Christ’s love to as many souls as possible.
Read more about how your donation will be used
Catholic in Recovery is committed to bringing hope with those suffering from a variety of addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments, including alcoholism, drug addiction, compulsive overeating, restricted eating (anorexia and bulimia), pornography and lust addiction, gambling addiction, codependency, and many others. Your contribution will go toward:
– Developing Catholic in Recovery fellowship in local parishes and communities.
– Providing a variety of virtual events every day of the week, including general recovery events, family & friends recovery, lust addiction recovery, spouses of addicts recovery, adult children of dysfunctional homes, disordered eating recovery, and process/behavior addiction recovery.
– Offering retreats and events around the country to offer hope to individuals and families in the grip of addiction.
– Expanding resources that integrate the sacraments and Catholic traditions into the Twelve Steps, including a Catholic in Recovery Workbook and a mobile app/digital platform with video modules to accompany and connect CIR community members.
Thank you,
Scott Weeman, Founder & Executive Director